July 2023

Cyted CEO Marcel Gehrung gives evidence to House of Commons Health and Social Care Committee's Future Cancer inquiry

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Earlier this year the UK Health and Social Care Committee conducted an inquiry which sought to explore innovations in cancer diagnosis and treatment. By gathering evidence from a wide array of organisations and experts, it examined how these innovations can be transitioned into frontline and clinical settings.

Cyted took this opportunity to submit a written response to the inquiry detailing the potential of its diagnostics technology and was subsequently invited to present further evidence to the committee as a witness.

In July, Cyted CEO Marcel Gehrung was invited to the House of Commons to provide additional evidence in person, highlighting the importance of early intervention and cancer detection, and how we can get new diagnostic technologies to the patients who need them.

During the session, he told the Committee about how vital it is that we:

  • Use new diagnostics to identify cancers as early and widely as possible to help save lives.
  • Identify and remove barriers to patients taking tests so more people can access this service.
  • Deliver an easily accessible Heartburn Health Check to provide walk-in tests on demand.

Cyted’s written evidence can be read in full here on the Parliament website:https://committees.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/120632/pdf/

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